Saturday, November 26, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

the honeymoon is over.

the end of my world..

nick and jessica broke up.

all hope is lost for me now...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

what happens in vegas better never happen there...

i am sitting in john's room sans john. albert and i are having some quality time while he's in las vegas.

i was bored and looked up the hotel he's staying at..Treasure Island or TI as the hipsters call it. the very little i knew of vegas and treasure island, i knew there was a pirate show...not anymore. this is what it has evolved to...

these are the sexy sirens that beckon the men..hussies..
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plainly, prostitutes.
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vegas family vacation.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

it's everywhere.

i have poison ivy.

someone help me!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

i need my own camera

tonight was pretty laid back. dan, christy(mama to be!), john, and i went to harmony. chicken and string beans.
so fucking good.

we get back to the house. we're all chillin out...john heads to the bathroom..ten minutes later:
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albert and i then have a mini photoshoot. he's technically john's dog, but he loves me more. i just know it.
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Monday, October 10, 2005

Friday, September 30, 2005

240 dollars worth of puddin


i miss you terribly. danielle is coming...we need awesome squad tatts!

Monday, August 22, 2005


why is it that august is the worst month of all? it is for me, at least.

on this day, eleven years ago, my mother died.
366 days ago, i got my heart broken for the first time.
three years ago, i got my first speeding ticket.
two years ago, i got into my first car accident.
school always starts in august.
it's blistering hot.
lush can suck it in august.
i could go on...

i can add this years addition to the list:
two people have decided that i am not the same person i was and can no longer consider me a friend.
apparently, my non-belief in god and the fact that i am straightedge is just now catching up to them
and it's causing a problem. the worst part of it is, i didn't even hear it from either one of them. and i was told
through a text message that she couldn't be friends with me. "sorry." the best part is, i live with these two girls. i guess two years of friendship to one and almost nine with the other doesn't count for anything.

i would like to continue being their friends, but seeing as i was cast aside so easily, it would be difficult. I'm willing to try. maybe one day, we can all be adults.

on a brighter note, i've been spending a lot of time with my brothers and all the people that come along with it.

walking around grant park with lisa is awesome.

there is a pink bike i am hoping will one day be mine.

i've got a boyfriend whom i adore...sleeping in the next room. goodnight.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

i'm checking on the little kitties for patrick right now.

they're fine.

i thought i'd slowly upload some of lisa's pictures onto here's one!

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that's me totally getting wasted...except not. look how cute we all are.

Saturday, July 30, 2005


two braves games this week. possibly a third tonight. maybe ben folds.

fuck rain.

ugh. i hate fighting. i hate when people are looking down upon you. i haven't done anything wrong.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

god and gold

sometimes, i really wonder what people are thinking. while at the power and the glory show tonight, i was wondering what all the guys were thinking it random shit like, "did i turn the stove off?" or "i need to get (soy)milk.."

who knows.

i got a job at cafe sunflower in buckhead. i hope i make lots of cash there. i hate not working and being broke. plus, i have this random suspicion that if lush doesn't pick up, i am getting the ax seeing as i was the last one hired.

john just "pshsht" my blog. whatever. and i am not a devil woman.

ooooh, i'm a happy girl.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


i'm missing say anything due to a low shortage of cash.
next time.

i am, however, spending the night in with a scared dog and a cute, hotdog eating boy.

john won the contest last night by eating 15 hot dogs...goddamn.

Friday, July 01, 2005


soo...everyone knows now.

it's not a secret anymore that john and i are dating.
i don't care who knows anymore.
i'm happy.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Friday, June 24, 2005

awesome squad 2K5

my new tattoo
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2/3 of the awesome squad

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Saturday, June 18, 2005

thank you for calling lush...

i am at work right now being a good hostess. i've already eaten chocolate cake, gone to publix to get 6 bags of ice, smokes for the bartender, had the valet move my car....all within an hour.

i am broke. hopefully this next two weeks will be busy at both jobs.

alright..back to work!

i have no clue what i'm doing.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

siiiick tribal

tonight was the bane show.

i had never seen cursed before, but thoroughly enjoyed them. got their tunes off tony's computer and put them on the pod.

nicky and lisa gave me some sick tattoos. i'll post them when tony sends them to me.

tony almost beat up graham. i wish he had. fucking asshole. he needs to get his ass owned. he crossed the line between hurting my best friend to my fucking family. jill is so tough though.

i had the second awkward run-in of the day, fourth for the week. nicky got the inside scoop for me though...somewhat bad news, somewhat good news. who the fuck knows. everyone is trying to help me on this one though, it's funny.

i stink from moving, show, not showering.

i have to be at work in eight hours.

Monday, June 13, 2005


tonight was the night. goodbye to kevin mother fuckin' miller. things won't be the same for a while without him here. seroiusly, like a goddamn brother to me. i got snot in his beard i think...i took some pictures with the shitty disposable camera. i'll get the cd prints and post.
Hopefully, we'll be moved into the new apartment soon. i just want to be moved in already and living downtown. finally.
that's about it.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

the beginning

i've converted to blog from livejournal.
i'm still trying to figure this out..