Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am excited for this...

They are going on tour!

I'll update pictures from our vacation to Portland. It was amazing. I gained a few pounds, I'm sure of it....

Monday, September 08, 2008

Third time's the charm..right?

So, here we go. Again.

We did some power shopping on Sunday with our realtor, Tracy(technically, we have two!). She's awesome and was ready to show us 25 houses if we need to look at that many. Thankfully, we narrowed it down to about 15. We didn't go in all of them, but we went in about 9. Three were on the potential list. 2 we loved, one was if nothing else worked. The first one we just about died for was a long shot, naturally. It was a foreclosure though so our realtor said go for it. The other was more of a realistic one and we still loved. Needed some minor improvements, but nothing too big (that we know of anyway). The two were both on the same street, incidentally. So, today we went to Tracy's office and she did all the paperwork on the smaller, more realistic house since the other house already had an offer in on it. So, John signed a lot of papers and we got everything faxed and ready to go. Now, we wait.

I just want this all to be over!

wish us luck! (and patrick and lisa, too!)

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Long time, no post! I think I say that every time.

Well, we were supposed to be in our new house by now. Oops.

The story goes that the sellers attorneys did a tiny thing called a title search and found one minor little, tiny, itsy problem.

The house belongs to 10 people. What the fuck?! And, somehow they can't find two of the people or some stupidness like that. So, now we have to wait for the lawyers to get the executives of the will/estate to say they can sell the house. It's something like 30-45 days. Yipee.

We are still in Decatur.

Onto better news..we may be going to Portland in the near future! Like, for real! Possibly going to Seattle, too! My first plane ride..I hope I don't hurl!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Penelope (and Albert) are both fine after yesterday.

Here's what happened...

I got home Monday afternoon and noticed a lot of throw up around the house and was a little worried, so I looked around. While the dogs were outside I noticed the ibuprofen bottle on the floor. Empty and with chew marks on the bottle. Needless to say, I freaked out. I ran outside and noticed Albert pooping not normal poop and Penelope just standing there kind of swaying back and forth. I called John and told him I was taking the both of them to the vet.

I rushed them to Dearborn in Decatur ( I highly recommend this vet. They care more about the animals than they do money). I got into the exam room and the vet looked at them and said Penelope just looked like a dog that didn't feel good. As the vet went to grab Penelope's leash, she got scared and started barking at the doc. Albert joined in, too. I calmed them both down and the vet took Penelope back and started to try to get charcoal into her system. The vet came back and said that they were going to have to sedate her because she was scared and snapping at everyone. I could hear her screaming and crying as they started to sedate her. Albert even started whining because he could hear was awful. I was crying, too.

The vet came back and told me that they got the charcoal in her system and she was resting while the medicine worked. Next, it was Albert's turn. I got to help with this. The vet took a giant syringe and filled it with black, tarry charcoal. We opened Albert's mouth and down it went. He took it like a champ. All vets have told me he's the perfect patient.

A few minutes later they brought Penelope back into the exam room and by this time John had arrived. Penelope was totally out of it and just laid down. The vet gave us instructions and off we went home. I had to stop to get some meds for the pups. All night Penelope just slept. She was not herself and very lethargic. We got a little worried and called the emergency vet, but they said that was normal. We had to wake up at 3 and 6 am to give them their meds.

So, all in all it's been a stressful couple of days. Everyone is fine, but a little tired.


Monday, May 19, 2008



please be ok

Saturday, March 08, 2008

We heard you.

This video is from an Oklahoma representative.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Holy's back.

here's a favorite clip of mine:

and ABC put this together:

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Holy shit, it's been a long time since I've posted.

Some news I guess had happened. I am now nanny to two little girls. Lola was born back on October and is so much fun to be around.

Also, little Liam entered the world, too. We have yet to meet, but hopefully soon!

What else..I took a semester of math. failed. that was fun...hopefully going back to school in summer. I need to save some funds for that. Hopefully I'll take two classes!

It's a whole new year and that means resolutions! I never formally make any, but I always have some floating somewhere in the back of my mind..
this year's "list" is:
get in shape (duh!) not just for me, but to look good in Patrick and Lisa's wedding...because looking good it what it's all about.
cook more! spend less money on eating out. Awful habit we have.
read more-since there are no more harry potters, i can focus my mind back to other books!
organization. organization. organization.
hang out with friends more often. have potlucks again!
spend less money on things I don't need.
...with that, save money.

I think that rounds it up on the resolutions.

I hope this has been a fun read for anyone who reads this. I have to keep my link on that tarpforlife page!


Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure (I really hate that word!).
The Local

NYE 31 January 2007

you wish your brother did this for you!
Custom Vans by TonyxPrice (aka my brother!)

my other family
The Bayles + one Price

penny in the trash can
Penny in the trash can

oh yeah, I went out of the country..woo! no plane yet..just a small cruise to Cozumel, Mexico.
my new favorite.

trashiest picture ever in Cozumel, Mexico


I think that's good. All of these are on my Flickr account.