Monday, August 22, 2005


why is it that august is the worst month of all? it is for me, at least.

on this day, eleven years ago, my mother died.
366 days ago, i got my heart broken for the first time.
three years ago, i got my first speeding ticket.
two years ago, i got into my first car accident.
school always starts in august.
it's blistering hot.
lush can suck it in august.
i could go on...

i can add this years addition to the list:
two people have decided that i am not the same person i was and can no longer consider me a friend.
apparently, my non-belief in god and the fact that i am straightedge is just now catching up to them
and it's causing a problem. the worst part of it is, i didn't even hear it from either one of them. and i was told
through a text message that she couldn't be friends with me. "sorry." the best part is, i live with these two girls. i guess two years of friendship to one and almost nine with the other doesn't count for anything.

i would like to continue being their friends, but seeing as i was cast aside so easily, it would be difficult. I'm willing to try. maybe one day, we can all be adults.

on a brighter note, i've been spending a lot of time with my brothers and all the people that come along with it.

walking around grant park with lisa is awesome.

there is a pink bike i am hoping will one day be mine.

i've got a boyfriend whom i adore...sleeping in the next room. goodnight.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

i'm checking on the little kitties for patrick right now.

they're fine.

i thought i'd slowly upload some of lisa's pictures onto here's one!

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that's me totally getting wasted...except not. look how cute we all are.