Saturday, April 01, 2006

eventful day

Today is April Fool's Day..I don't have anything witty for you all..sorry.

John and I got new phones today! They are exactly the same, but who cares. We each got one of these:
I love mine and I think secretly John loves his..he acts very non-chalant with it, but hasn't put it down since we got them.

We also went to Petsmart and to the Humane Society...I got teary eyed at the HS because a dog had been there since January and was super sweet. I want to adopt her. I have to save the animals.

I bought John a new Braves hat...I'm sure you'll all see it shortly.

Here are a few pictures from recent days..well, most of them anyway..
Christy and baby boy Halen from his one month party I think..maybe not.

Albert enjoying the sunshine and his bone:

A picture of Patrick my grandmother (Gran!) would love:

and last..two out of three the cutest kids I babysit. Sam and Caroline:
CIMG0651.JPG this better??

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